Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Psalm 119

I have been studying Psalm 119 for the past 6 weeks. At the end of this very long chapter, the psalmist says how he longs for God's salvation. It is amazing the faith and stability of the psalmist. Even though he is fallible and makes mistakes, he longs for the coming Messiah to come and fulfill the promise of God. How diligent he must have been!

I think of all the times when I just want to give up and and throw in the towel. Let the kids go, the laundry go, let the house go, not cook (which is something I really enjoy!). How little diligence I show in the day to day challenges. Yet these Old Testament Saints show real diligence, thoroughness, and a forward looking sense of hope.

It is so nice to be reminded that life is not about the here and now, but about eternity. So, after days/weeks of study, the truth that grabbed my attention this week is to regain my forward looking sense of hope that upheld the psalmist of 119 and all the Old Testament Saints. In addition, we have the promised fulfilled in Christ. There is no excuse, we know of God's faithfulness and ability to fulfil His plan! May we use this knowledge, by the power of the Holy Spirit, to keep our ways stable, not be double-minded, and to look forward to Jesus' coming with great affection and longing, and in that have true JOY!

May the Joy of the Lord be your strength! Nehemiah 8:10

Longing for Jesus' 2nd coming and eternity,

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